Sunday, September 6, 2009


What makes a writer?? I am writing every day, want to go to bed, need to write, want to go to bed, need to write, ack. Because I read that that makes a good writer.
There are definitely a lot of writers out there. They can't all have started when they were young, written forever and then finally became published right? I could do it, even starting so late in life, right?
I remember reading a little about the history of the author of my favorite children's books, Winnie the Pooh. E. E. Milne, how I wish you'd started writing on accident, without any formal training, but just came up with your stories out of the blue. You told your son a story and boom, it became the best children's book ever. Yet, that is not how it was, you wrote tons of plays and articles and even books before this and were surprised that this is what you became known for. Alas.
I would like to be published, to give book talks at book stores, to be known among teachers. Hey have you read this to your kids yet? It is great!!! That's what I'd love.
I have been thinking, what would I love to do? What can I wake up in the morning looking forward to doing? It was not teaching. That usually just made me frustrated and tired at the end of the day. Although I did love the kids so much and really miss interracting with them. It is actually nothing I have ever done before. Never have I woken up in the morning looking forward to what the days' work would hold for me.
I have felt very peaceful though, not working right now. I have felt relieved and relaxed the last week or so. Also that I have been taking care of myself well, with my eating and exercising.
So, my current goal, until I learn other ways to become a great writer, is to write every day even when I want to go to sleep. whew.

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