Friday, September 25, 2009


I am scared of having a baby.
Sometimes, on television shows and when talking to friends with children, I see and hear about how stressed moms get. I think, it must not be that hard right? The kid can take some of his or her own time and chill while I get the things done that I need to do.
One friend told me that it took a few months to begin to shower again every few days instead of only once a week because she couldn't get a minute to be in the bathroom. Really. Is it that bad?
I was with a friend and her baby today and was watching.
Basically I have not that much to do in life right now. I exercise, clean a little, cook a little and read and watch TV. I stay up a little late, but then don't get up until 8-9, so I get a good 8 hours sleep.
Her little one (one year old) was toddling around the kitchen, almost trying to position himself underneath her feet as she was preparing lunch. Then when she was feeding him, he was rejecting everything. I think a kid could cause me to be very tired and pretty impatient.
Then I see teenagers and preteenagers around their parents. Oh MY. Are they every respectful? I remember myself and how much I thought that I was right and my parents were all wrong. I was not that respectful and did not listen. And I was a pretty good kid.
I'm scared of having a teenager too.
But Fred and my parents tell me I will be a great parent. Hmmmm.
I have read up on the subject. A few great books are "How to talk so your kids will listen and listen so they will talk" and "Parent and Child". I've also mostly raised my kid sister from the age of 0-6, who was born when I was 12. Sometimes she still calls and says "Hi this is Rachel your daughter" and I have to laugh and remind her that we are sisters.
But what about when they push your buttons or have a personality that is exactly the same as mine? Will I lose all reason and become a crazy person, and totally revert to the way I was raised instead of all I've learned over the years?
Plus, I'm so old. I'm 34 and if I have a kid, I'll be over 50 when she is 16. My mom wasn't 50 until I was 30 and had been moved out of the home for 12 years. It's all strange. But I can't imagine what life would be without having kids either. It is the natural flow of things. You mistreat your parents and then have kids so they can mistreat you etc.... etc....

1 comment:

  1. I love this You are such a great person I can not believe that you will not be a great parent. I will have to be sure to keep up with your blog. I know that John and I don't know you and Fred that well but we both feel that you will be great parents. And we know that your children (and you know you will have more than one) will have your smiles. I just don't know what you and Fred will look like with your smiles missing. I am so glad that you told me about your blog now I have something great to read.
