Sunday, September 20, 2009

Adventures in Music (AIM) Weekend

Not sure what to write today.
Had a lovely weekend learning at AIM weekend. We also presented our semi finals and finals package to the region and it seemed they enjoyed it. I definitely enjoyed hearing the quartets who are going to be going to international sing on Saturday evening.
But the best part of the weekend for me was being around the young women in harmony singers. I mentioned in my past blog that I would be taking over for a tenor who is out sick as her quartet leads the young women harmony class on Saturday. I learned the tags (ends of a few songs) on Friday, then we all taught them to the kids (ranging in age from about 11 - 18). It was so fun. I just seem to become all sparkly when I am around kids. I am happy and love being with them. I like talking to them. Especially the middle school age kids.
That is what I miss about teaching. Fred says I miss being loved. But I also miss the giving part. Giving of myself by listening when a kid needs to talk, or giving a hug and comforting when that is necessary. I know kids will love me, because I love them first and who isn't happy when they feel loved?
I had a nice complement as well. One of the singers from another quartet was sitting in on the class. She said in front of everyone that I had an amazing powerful tenor voice. Nice.
I do know that it is powerful, but am almost nervous to join a quartet that is planning on competing since I have had so little experience singing in a quartet in front of people and when I do sing, my voice wobbles a lot. I get progressively more and more nervous when I know people can hear me. I guess quarteting is better than singing solo, which I would just never try at all.
I also have a hard time hearing when I am doing something wrong. Sometimes I will go up a whole step when it should be a half step and when someone corrects me, I can't hear the difference or can't figure out how to make the change. I can feel the person getting a little frustrated as she is trying to teach me and then I feel like I can't be a good singer because I can't fix it, or hear it.
I am thinking about characterization. Peggy Graham (past president of Sweet Adelines) had a class that I enjoyed. It was clips of choruses that were doing great jobs characterizing their songs. You felt the song, the meaning, and that they were inviting you into that song as they sang. It was something easy to see, but I can't figure out how to do it.
I feel that I am still mechanical when I sing. I have practiced in front of a mirror and am getting better at making a good face. But, it does look practiced. This weekend we are getting coached by my favorite coach Betty Clipman. (She has coached all three of the choruses I have been with.) I will try to pay attention and see if I can learn to characterize better.
I am so looking forward to it.


  1. Thank you for sending me this link.

    I'm glad that other more experienced singers feel this way. Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one who can't hold her own part and remember. Sometimes YWIH stuff makes it even harder becuase I meet people half my age who are twice as good at remembering their lines. Like I never feel stupid when people who have been singing for 30 years are better, it is the 11 year olds who can hold their part and are correcting me that is so much harder.

  2. Laura,
    I had a great weekend, too! It was fun rooming together. I also think you are doing a great job learning more about music and how intervals work. I know I gave you a hard time about "you DO know this." But it's only because I believe in you! You have an incredible voice, and a great ear for it. Let's practice more with notes and intervals, and soon you will feel super confident!
    :) lkj
