Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Before the Parade passes (Me) by

I was thinking what should I write. I am not inspired by anything right now. So, I waited and watched a little Oprah.
It is a final show for Dr. Oz, who is moving on to begin his own show and there is a small segment on the life of Randy Pausch, who was a professor at Carnegie Mellon, who died last July from Pancreatic Cancer. The time between when he learned that he had a limited time left here until he passed was inspiring for millions. He wrote his "last lecture" and presented it to some students and faculty, it was also posted on You Tube and Oprah had him present to her audience and televised it as well.
It is a very inspiring lecture, not really a lecture as much as a talk about how life can and should be lived.
I also read the book that he wrote called "The Last Lecture".
A song we are currently singing in our chorus is Before The Parade Passes By, from the play, Hello Dolly.
Some of the lyrics are Before the parade passes by, I want to go and taste Saturday's high life. Before the parade passes by, I want to get some life back into my life. I'm ready to move out in front. I've had enough of just passing by life...
It has meant a lot to me as I've been trying to sing it with feeling up on the risers.
Have I let a lot of life pass me by because of fear or lackadasicalness, or apathy? It has helped me to think of what I'd like and expand my dreams a little.
Here is what I'd like.
I'd like to be part of a quartet who loves to sing together and perform in front of people. Our performances help me to get over my nerves of singing in front of people. Then we compete and do excellently well, then eventually make it to the internation stage and become Queens of Harmony, with the tiara and everything!
I'd like to become a famous writer. Of both children's books and adult books. I'd like to inspire with my writing, help people to have an increased self worth as they read my books. Become a writer that is a favorite. I can't tell you how much little house on the prairie and anne of green gables and pride and prejudice have effected me. Who I am is somewhat wrapped up in the books I've read. I also would like to remain. Remain on the shelves of libraries, in bookstores, and in the hearts of my readers as an influence.
I want to become a great parent. One my children will look up to and respect. Who is more a caring parent than a good friend. Who knows how to raise up my children in the way they should go, as well as how to discipline them effectively, without hurting who they are inside, and help them to respect themselves so they grow up to make good decisions and healthy choices.
I want to grow old gracefully, not embittered by anything. With a big smile and listening ears. I want those around me to know that I care because I listen and comfort without judging.
I want to be the best wife there is. Supporting my husband in all of his dreams. Caring for the household, children, etc... in a way that will cause him no concern or worry.
I want my life to be made up of moments I am proud of, not ones I regret. My words to be well thought out before escaping my lips.
I want a life filled with prayer. Prayer for my family, my husband and children, my friends. I love the quote "Learn to move man through God by prayer alone". I believe it was by Hudson Taylor.
I want to be always peaceful, no matter what my circumstances, firmly believing that all of my situations are well thought out especially for me by a loving Father.
That's about it!

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