Saturday, September 12, 2009

High Heels and The Stanford Theater

I knew it would get to this point. I have nothing really to write. But I have to write so I can know that I have been working every day, EVERY day towards becoming a writer when I grow up.
Well, I did wear high heels today.
It was very exciting. I am not at all sure how to do it. Do I drop my heel first, or concentrate on starting out with my toes? If I start with my toes, I sort of clomp around, but when I start with my heels, I hear tapping sounds and it feels like I am walking heavily.
I got the heels for 5 dollars from the Loehman's sale on clearance items. They are Saychelles that started out at 90 dollars, then went down to 30, then 20 and then I got them for 5. Better than Goodwill prices!! They hurt a little and made me the same height as Fred, but I felt lovely.
We went to see Rebecca (the film depicting the novel by DuMaurier, which I read in high school and loved, but have forgotten almost all of as I have so many other things from high school, alas.) I love seeing old movies at the Stanford Theater. The organist playing between the movies. My feel illegally up on the banister in the coveted front row of the balcony. (Until the lady whose job it is to tell me to take my feet down stops by. I saw her once tell an older gentleman to take his feet down and then go sit a few rows up. When he thought she had gone he put his feet back up and she came back down and told him again. Then she really left, but he did not put his feet back up!) Fred and I enjoying the wonderful inexpensive (2.50 for a LARGE) popcorn with butter. Me studying the old time clothes and us laughing at the sometimes overdramatic acting.
I think we have been there 10 times at least since we've moved here.
My mom loves old movies, so I call her and give her the run down of what is playing that weekend and she tells me what is worthwhile to see and what we could skip. She said no to The Birds and Psycho. Who needs to be scared to be outside, or to shower. Not me.
I love to look at the restored paint on the walls and ceiling of the theater. The feel of the red velvet seats. I actually like that there is no place to rest my head on the seats and that you can't really lean back. I always wonder what the hair was like on the million persons who have sat in a theater chair before me as they have leaned back and rested their heads. I had lice in college twice, TWICE you know, possibly from theater seats! But not at the Stanford theater, the seats are not tall enough in the back to rest your head!
I have used a lot of exclamation points in this post!

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