Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The next topic in my Writer's Block book is the word "Diet"
now, I know I've written about diets before, but I am determined to go through the writer's block book page by page whenever I am uninspired to write about anything in that day's blog.
I have a lot of complex craziness in my brain when the word diet comes up.
Who says that you have to be a certain size to be beautiful? Obviously there it is the fashion industry, the almost naked actresses on the television, the bikini clad on the Vegas commercials. It is refreshing to see actresses and singers that are not stick thin, but only because it is such a rarity. And even those who are not so thin, you can tell, would like to be, because they are always trying to find out how others do it. How they stay trim and eat at the same time?
I of course, being of american red bloodedness, would like to lose weight as well, would like to look beautiful, or at least not dimpled in the thighs, in a bathing suit.
So, beginning in high school, when I was enticed to join the cross country team, not because I had any interest in running but because the announcement over the intercom said "would you like better looking legs? Join the cross country team, tryouts after school today." I thought, yup, I'd like better thighs, so I joined.
Since then, it has been one exercise video after another, denise austin, kathy smith, billy blanks, running, walking, jumping rope, weights, and now QiGong and the exercise bike. Always fighting against the pounds.
I have never starved myself, I love food way too much. But I have had times of watching my eating habits, barely.
I tried the Zone diet when I was in my last year of college, as I noticed myself getting a belly. I think I lost about 10 pounds, but right after I got married, the month after college ended, I gained back 15. I am skeptical of diets, especially if I can't see myself continuing forever. I know yo-yo dieting is bad for the body and you usually gain back more than you lost, which was my experience with the Zone.
So, I've looked into things I can continue forever recently. After breast cancer (which they can't figure out why I got, it did not run in the family, I did not drink or smoke, or live an unhealthy life in any way, other than getting my period at the early age of 11, which is more and more common now anyways) I looked into becoming a more healthy eater. Have tried to increase my vegetables and a few good books "In defense of Food" by Pollan and the one I am just recently reading "Mindless Eating" by Wansink have been very helpful. I am much more conscious of labels and ingredients and fat content and calories and portion size. I am also (I think I've mentioned before) not letting myself feel denied of anything, but just watching how much I eat and trying to check with my stomach to see if I am full before I finish off whatever I am eating. It has been helpful.

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