Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Ack, have been experiencing allergies for about 2 months now and have no idea where they are coming from. The pattern is that from the minute I wake up in the morning, my nose is draining clear fluid, actually dripping from my nose, and I am sneezing, big body temperature raising, loud sneezes. My whole face itches as well, on the inside. After a few hours my stuffy nose clears out and I am okay for the rest of the day, decidedly better outside the apartment than in, with a little periodic sneezing. Other days the allergies seem to go on all day and I feel exhausted by the sneezing.
Was talking to my friend Amy this morning, on a lovely walk around the Stanford Dish, what a great view of the bay and lots of houses and trees and buildings, and she said that she had allergies going on 4 months and when she went to see a respiration specialist, his first question was whether or not she had cats and whether or not they slept in the room with her. Then his advice was to not allow them in the room anymore and to use the nasal rinse stuff for a month and see how things became.
She found herself dramatically better.
How I hate to admit allergies to my dear little kitty, whom I love, with all of her "I don't really like you that much" ways.
When we are about to fall asleep kitty walks up on the bed and looks for the crook of my left arm and then first puts each of her feet chilly on my arm, and then, Fred says, like a truck making the back up beeping sound, backs her butt up into my face. I usually try to adjust her body so that her side is in my face instead of her butt, but usually wake up with her butt in my face.
Will try to ban her for a while and see if there is an improvement. Will feel immensely guilty and sad as her plaintive mewing self sits outside of the door. Alas.

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