Sunday, June 5, 2011

Whole30 - Day 22

I keep thinking how I am going to plan out my diet after the 30 days are over. Whole30 is meant more as a strict intro to Paleo, or a periodic re-commitment than a lifelong eating plan. But, as time goes on it gets both easier as I find more and more things I enjoy eating, and harder as I just want a treat and realize that the only sweet thing I can have is fruit. So yesterday I bought a pineapple and ate half of it!
I so miss coffee with cream. I've basically stopped drinking coffee because it is really bitter without cream and a little sugar. All I've read about paleo in the last few weeks, it seems that dairy is something that can be reintroduced if you are not intolerant to it, but on a lesser basis. Butter and cream because they are mostly fat and not lactose and then small amounts of cheese, can be added back in. I'm looking forward to that.
I have also found some interesting recipes for pancakes made with coconut flour or bananas that I'd like to try as well.
I am definitely losing weight! Who knows how much because I'm not allowed to weigh until the end of the 30 days, but I bought my first pair of size 8 pants since college. (That's over 12 years ago.) I am feeling slimmer all over and that is really nice.
Fred and I watched a documentary on Netflix called FatHead, where a man eats out 3 meals a day at fast food restaurants for 30 days and loses 12 pounds. Not with salads either, but with burgers and sausage sandwiches. He stayed under 2000 calories a day and kept the amount of carbohydrates under 100 grams, but his fat content was very high, over 100 grams a day. They referenced Good Calories, Bad Calories as well and it was great for me to see some of the examples illustrated out and explained more simply. I was glad Fred saw too. Eating fat helps your body get what it needs to burn. Eating starches and sugars increase your insulin and make your body turn them into fat and then store them instead of letting them out for your body to burn for energy. Very interesting. Helps me understand why I am still losing weight now even though I've about quadrupled my daily fat intake since starting paleo. And, nope, not "good fats" but all fats. Seems we have been duped by the government's agriculture pushing diet suggestions. (No one needs 6-11 servings of grains a day!, turns out I am needing no servings a day and am alert and upbeat and consistently energetic all day.)

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