Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year (3)

Continuing in the reflection of 8 categories of life to lead to a plan for this coming year:

Health and Fitness:
What worked: I have been very proud of myself this year in this category. What began with a bookstore purchase of "8 Minutes in the Morning" was a fitness plan that evolved to my currently riding the stationary bicycle 4-5 times a week for 35 minutes, either 3 one hour or 5 30 minute walks a week (not including Fred and my weekend walks), my QiGong DVD twice a week, an upper body workout twice a week, and an abs workout or two sprinkled in. I am taking Wednesday off when I want to and putting all of that into Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. It is working out very well. I have struggled with my eating, as MANY earlier blogs chronicle, and have concluded that I am eating as healthy as possible, reasonable amounts, but have no expectations for quick weight loss. I have been between 150 and 160 for the last 11 years and it seems impossible to go below 150. At one point this last summer, I lost 5 pounds, but as soon as my carefullness lifted slightly I rose back up to my usual 155.
What Sucked: My realization that my weight will stay about the same seemingly irregardless of how much I exercise or how healthily I eat.
What I learned: That I need to continue in my healthy habits in the face of seeing almost no scale results. Just to be healthy is important. I can't decide that since I am not "seeing" the changes I want to see to scrap the eating habits, or the exercise habits. I have to trust that my insides are reaping the benefits of the diet and exercise and that my outsides may or may not change over time.
What I want to change: I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing now. Oatmeal with fruit for breakfast, vegetably things for lunch, a healthy homemade dinner. I'd like to be able to cook more variety of healthy things. I am very happy with Ellie Kreiger's Healthy Appetite show on the Food Network and would like to expand my healthy yummy food choices from the 3-4 regulars I now am making. Maybe try out 2 new healthy dinners a week to expand my repertoire! I also need to research what needs to be done for me to become pregnant. Maybe listening to some relaxation, fertility focused meditations and reading up on what I should be eating. I have heard from a few sources that I need to have some whole milk products as I am trying to get pregnant, and am adding that to my diet a little bit.

What worked: We went to "Financial Peace University" class at our church and learned so much. We use cash now instead of credit cards for our regular purchases. We have focused on paying off our debts and have cut a big chunk out of Fred's school loans. We plan to sell our car and purchase our next one with cash instead of financing it and have a good 6-9 months savings in the bank. :)
What Sucked: Not being able to teach this year to continue the debt paying off.
What I learned: I learned that using credit cards hurts your brain a lot less than using cash and even though they give you a small percentage back, studies show that the percentage you spend increases a lot more significantly. That when you earmark money for specific purposes and categorize it, you are free to spend within those limits and you don't feel guilty for every purchase made. The more debts you pay off the more money will be in your pocket from every paycheck and you shouldn't buy into the myth that every one is in debt for everything and that is just the way things are in middle class America.
What I want to change: We seem to be on track here. No changes necessary.

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