Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I found out that the surgeon requested to me by a friend is "out of network".
Do you know what that means??
It means that, for example if the entire bill for all of the services (surgery, reconstruction) came to 10,000 dollars but the insurance company decided they would pay 5,000 for it (if you've ever looked at an insurance company's explanation of benefits that is not at all unlikely), I would have to pay the 20% of the covered part to the insurance company as well as the 5,000 dollar bill that would remain as unpaid by the insurance company and belong to me as the patient.
Can you believe that? And there is no way I would know how much that bill would be until the services were complete, so if something unexpected came up, my portion of the bill would rise and rise with no cap.
So, I guess surgeons like that are only for rich people, which I am not.
So, I continue my search for a surgeon and hope for things to move along quickly, as I am putting off the "starting to try to have kids time" until I now recover from the surgery.

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